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Monday, April 28, 2008
1:23 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Robert Greenwald on Terry McAuliffe's praise of Fox News. Want to know what happens when we sing FOX's praises?: Friday, April 25, 2008
5:32 PM
by Scoobie Davis
![]() The other day I learned that Barack Obama would be interviewed by Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday. Senator Obama has made it a point of his campaign to reach out to people who wouldn't ordinarily vote for a Democrat. No problem, so far. However, I am concerned that an appearance on fox News will accord legitimacy to Fox News; Fox News deserves not one iota of legitimacy. That doesn't mean that Senator Obama simultaneously marginalize Fox News and reach out to Fox News viewers. In fact, I wrote about the subject a few months ago: . . . The idea that by marginalizing Fox News and appealing to Fox News viewers are mutually exclusive is a prime example of a false dichotomy. Let me explain by first discussing the difference between loyal and casual Fox News viewers.
10:56 AM
by Scoobie Davis
![]() As I have written, there are two kinds of Democrats that Fox News CEO Roger Ailes likes to have on Fox News: 1) The "domesticated," non-threatening type--e.g., Susan Estrich, Kirsten Powers, Alan Colmes, Morton Kondracke, and Juan Williams; and 2) The type of Democrat who has nothing nice to say about the Democratic Party. Examples are Pat Caddell, Zell Miller, and Tammy Bruce. Tammy Bruce is especially egregious member of the second variant of the Fox News Democrat. She even uses the pejorative term "Democrat [sic] Party." As I pointed out, in Bruce's book The New American Revolution, Bruce unceremoniously lumped DNC head Howard Dean with Ward Churchill and attorney Lynne Stewart who was convicted of aiding and abetting terrorists. In the book, she gives plaudits to Roger Ailes, David Horowitz, and Sun Myung Moon's Washington Times. Recently, on Bruce's blog, she addressed the Mexican official who was caught stealing Blackberries from White House staffers. She did the post with a Jpeg of the Frito Bandito, the former cartoon mascot for Frito Corn Chips. The Frito Bandito was an offensive cartoon stereotype who spoke broken English with a thick, exaggerated accent. Frito-Lay dropped the Bandito in 1971 after protests from Hispanic groups. The first sentence of Bruce's blog post: "Stealing our stuff and taking things that don't belong to them apparently isn't limited to Mexican illegal aliens, it's also the preferred activity of Mexican government officials. Scum." This isn't the first time Bruce has endorsed anti-Mexican bigotry. A couple years ago, I wrote about Bruce playing the Frito Bandito theme song on her radio show and supporting the candidacy of Minuteman Project co-founder Jim Gilchrist for a congressional seat (as a member of the American Independent Party) Gilchrist is considering running for president this year as a member of the far-right Constitution Party. Thursday, April 24, 2008
9:28 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Read my post on the Sun Myung Moon blog. Wednesday, April 23, 2008
2:15 PM
by Scoobie Davis
In my previous post, I quoted Clinton campaign chairman and former DNC head Terry McAuliffe's kind words for Fox News. I just found out that Fox news analyst Newt Gingrich has some kind words for Democrats: Speaking to Sean Hannity on Fox News Friday night, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich told the conservative pundit that "the left wing of the Democratic Party, frankly, kind of admires American terrorists." Quick note: back in the 1980's, Gingrich's fellow Fox News analyst Cal Thomas wrote a newspaper column concerning a rash of arson fires of women's health clinics. I couldn't find the column but the gist of it was that Thomas informed people that he was pro-choice concerning that particular form of terrorism.
7:09 AM
by Scoobie Davis
![]() Clinton campaign chairman and former DNC head Terry McAuliffe: ""You were the first ones to call it for Hillary Clinton. Fair and balanced Fox--you beat them all." Here's the video. What a contrast McAuliffe is with current DNC head Howard Dean who here punks Sean Hannity and Foz News. UPDATE: It didn't take long for Fox News to turn McAuliffe's plaudits into a promo: Tuesday, April 22, 2008
6:51 PM
by Scoobie Davis
(Updated below) On Countdown yesterday, Keith Olbermann asked Hillary Clinton about her recent chumminess with Richard Mellon Scaife, the billionaire who funded various dirty tricks operations against the Clintons during the 1990's. Hillary laughed off the question and told the host that she believes in "redemption" (videos of Hillary laughing and Olbermann's befuddled response to the laughter are here). For my own part, when it comes to megalomaniacal billionaires, Scaife is far less entertaining than Sun Myung Moon or Rupert Murdoch. Hillary might be amused that Scaife is financially backing the the neo-conservative think tank The Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD), a right-wing group that seeks to reduce the influence of mainline protestant denominations such as the United Methodist Church of which Hillary is a member. The Institute is involved in a particularly ugly lawsuit against the Methodist Church that will effectively take away funds that go to the church's efforts to feed children in developing countries. That's a little hard to laugh off. UPDATE: It wouldn't take a cynic to suspect that the motives behind Scaife's support for Hillary is similar to Rush Limbaugh's "Operation Chaos," an effort to cause massive infighting in the Democratic Party by buoying Hillary's quixotic campaign so that Obama will be, in Limbaugh's words, "bloodied up" for the general election. As Steve Benen noted, the endorsement of Hillary in Scaife's vanity newspaper, The Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, used the term "Democrat [sic] Party," a pejorative used only by wing-nuts and Fox News Democrats such as Tammy Bruce. for more on Hillary and Scaife, check out my previous post, "Notes of a Former Clinton Defender." Monday, April 21, 2008
Friday, April 18, 2008
3:07 PM
by Scoobie Davis
(Updated below) ![]() On Sunday, John McCain will appear on This Week with George Stephanopoulos. Cliff Schecter, author of the forthcoming book The Real McCain: Why Conservatives Don't Trust Him and Why Independents Shouldn't, keenly aware of Stephanopoulos' behavior at last Tuesday's Democratic debate, has picked some really good questions for Stephanopoulos to ask McCain (Schecter's request to Stephanopoulos is very reasonable considering the advice that Stephanopoulos took for the Democratic debate). Schecter has an impressive list of questions. Two of Schecter's questions are particularly relevant to me: Question Number Five "Doesn't your flip-flop on Jerry Falwell being an 'agent of intolerance' show your opportunistic pandering to the religious right?" and Question Number Twelve "[I]f Barack Obama must account for everyone he has ever passed within a 100 square mile radius of, then here are some associations you might want to explain, with the indicted, the white supremacists and the downright corrupt: Rick Renzi (indicted), Terry Nelson (racist ads against Harold Ford in 2006), Trent Lott (pining for a Strom presidency), The Wyly Brothers (corrupt), Bob Perry (Chief Swift Boater), Richard Quinn (white supremacist), Rev. Richard Land (homosexual hate), Ken Blackwell (Ohio election suppression), Charlie Black (lobbyist and according to John Gorenfeld's new book, Bad Moon Rising, Reverend Moon lover)." One thought: Jerry Falwell, who mentioned in Question Number Five should also be listed in Question Number Twelve for various noxious actions such as his using the Bible to justify Jim Crow laws (Falwell's argument was that blacks were stricken with the "Curse of Ham" and thus were meant to be the servants of whites); Falwell blaming the 9/11 attacks on his fellow Americans (despite an initial apology, Falwell later stood by his original denunciation); Falwell's support of terrorism (Falwell's Moral Majority awarded a plaque to notorious Salvadorian death squad leader Roberto D'Aubuisson--know by friends and enemies as "Blowtorch Bob" for his favorite implement of torture); and anti-gay hate (Falwell once said that AIDS was God's way of "spanking" homosexuals). UPDATE I: Keith Olbermann has more questions. I didn't realize that McCain has been associating with a radical like G. Gordon Liddy. I read Liddy's book Will. The man is completely deranged and is completely unrepentant about his role in the Watergate burglary. Liddy also advocated the shooting of federal law enforcement agents in the head and the crotch (Liddy later backpedaled on his statements). If the media is going to rake Barack Obama over the coals about some very tenuous associations with William Ayers, then McCain deserves scrutiny for chumming it up with the likes of Liddy: UPDATE II: Americablog has more. Thursday, April 17, 2008
1:18 PM
by Scoobie Davis
I keep seeing commercials for Ben Stein's upcoming documentary, Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed. John Rennie and Steve Mirsky of The Scientific American have some concerns about the film. In other Creationism/Evolution news, I received Chick Publication's 2008 catalog. On the cover of the catalog was the promo for a new Chick tract that will be released May 1. It an anti-evolution tract called "Moving on Up?" One of the favorite tracts with fans is the classic "Big Daddy?" UPDATE: Two people in Singapore are facing some severe penalties for distributing the anti-Muslim Chick tract "The Little Bride," an inflammatory comic book that addresses Muhammad's nine year-old bride Aisha. Wednesday, April 16, 2008
2:37 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Glenn Greenwald on narrative politics. UPDATE: has an excerpt of Greenwald's just-released book Great American Hypocrites: Toppling the Big Myths of Republican Politics. UPDATE II: Watch Greenwald discuss the theme of his new book in the context of last week's Democratic debate.
2:16 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Monday, April 14, 2008
2:31 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Since I let people know about my new YouTube video on Sun Myung Moon last Wednesday, about 1000 people have viewed the video. Moon has billions of dollars of ill-gotten money to line the pockets of politicians and members of the mainstream media. Critics of the Unification movement have considerably fewer financial resources than Moon (to say the least). However, we have the truth so it's a fair fight. You can help out by doing one of the following things: 1. E-mail the video to friends, associates, and people whom you think might be interested in the content. You can either use your email account to send people the URL of the video ( or you can go to the video and use YouTube's "Share" function A(right below the video screen). 2. Counter the Unification Church's YouTube ratings manipulation by getting a free YouTube account and giving the video a good rating(I broke the story on the Unification Church's efforts to game the YouTube ratings system). What this does is to push this video closer to the top of a keyword search for information on the Unification Church on YouTube. 3. If you have a web site or blog, please link to it. 4. Place the URL on a bulletin board or discussion group Thanks in advance. Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
9:33 AM
by Scoobie Davis
![]() Using this blog, I have had considerable success addressing many of the right-wing operatives were responsible for some particular noxious smear campaigns against Bill and Hillary Clinton during the 1990's. I challenged Matt Drudge about his libel of former Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal. I had an on-air confrontation of Bill O'Reilly about his boss Roger Ailes' attempts to implicate the Clintons in Vince Foster's death. I confronted Rush Limbaugh about his lies about Al Gore. I turned the tables on Sean Hannity's attacks on Bill Clinton's sex life and also used Hannity's radio show to address Jerry Falwell's dirty tricks against the Clintons. I have successfully engaged in "hacktivism" against Fox News, Fox News operatives (click here, here, and here), as well as against anti-Clinton Scaife operatives, Christopher Ruddy and Joseph Farah, who were major players in what journalist Trudy Lieberman called "the Vince Foster Factory." I exposed Ann Coulter's book Slander as a literary fraud. I know all about the anti-Clinton right's mendacity and wild conspiracy theories. During the past several years, particularly during the 2008 primary campaign, Hillary and her campaign has begun to work with many of these operatives as a part of her "kitchen sink" strategy to win the Democratic nomination:
Why are the Clintons and their campaign consorting with this assortment of lowlifes and paranoids? I can only speculate. One of the ironies of this is that Hillary unwittingly gives credibility to the paranoid rants by Limbaugh and company that she will do anything to gain power. What Hillary and her people have done is unconscionable. I realize that in practical politics, it is sometimes necessary to associate with some unsavory characters but couldn't the Clinton people at least think back to what these people put Vince Foster's family through during their time of mourning? Not only is it unconscionable but from a strategic standpoint, it's horrendous. Hillary's campaign got chummy with these right-wing operatives because they believed that they would help her win the nomination. It ain't gonna happen. Anyone who knows elementary math knows that Hillary's chances of garnering the nomination have been close to nil for the past few weeks. Hillary receives nothing by becoming chummy with people who have run roughshod over the American political process, destroyed lives, victimized people in mourning, encouraged the undermining of American elections, and debased American journalism. On the other hand, these bottom-feeders have benefited immeasurably by having a Democratic presidential campaign accord them legitimacy. The point is that any progressives who think they can work with the likes of Scaife, Ailes, Limbaugh, and Moon are kidding themselves. They are people who need to be discredited, marginalized, and defeated. Thursday, April 03, 2008
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
9:30 AM
by Scoobie Davis
(UPDATED BELOW) ![]() Buzzflash interviews Max Blumenthal, the author of the 2005 article in The Nation about Hannity's relationship with violent white supremacist Hal Turner, about the recent revelations concerning their quiet but extensive ties. I have more about this in my recent post on how the media have covered stories on racial and religious bigotry in recent weeks. What Blumenthal says about Hannity's links to Turner and the white supremacist movement is revealing. It's no wonder, as Blumenthal tells the interviewer, that Hannity doesn't want to respond to the allegations. UPDATE: Newshounds has more. Tuesday, April 01, 2008