1:52 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Kudos to the Wall Street Journal's Editorial Page
I usually don't have nice things to say about the Wall Street Journal editorial page. The Journal's editorial page became one of the most jaundiced examples of character assassination during the Clinton presidency--the nadir, in my opinion, was when it began to treat seriously the Mena drug smear of Clinton. Peggy Noonan is one of the worst offenders. Last Friday, I savaged her for her absurd claim that Bill Clinton is "lazy." Today, Noonan wrote a nauseatingly fawning piece on why Americans like George W. Bush. What I found remarkable was that the Journal editors included in the response section letters by people would not take any of Noonan's horseshit about Bush. Here is a good response by Carl Hudecek of Perrysburg, Ohio:
What absolute pro-Bush fiction. No President ever has had his henchmen and his brother rig an election, conduct election fraud, have every move orchestrated and every meeting stacked to provide an image of "no dissent" to promote his popularity.
Ms. Noonan should be ashamed of herself for not properly writing "April Fool" at the end of her Bush pap.
Also, read the response by Phillip Schuman of Pompano Beach, Fla.