8:52 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Important Homework Assignment
I turned on talk radio this morning and El Rushbo was not on (his replacement former San Diego mayor Roger Hedgecock was a snooze). I changed stations and listened to Dennis Prager. Prager is 100 times less partisan than Limbaugh (which isn't saying much) and his callers tend to be more intelligent than Limbaugh's (which also isn't saying much). Prager was discussing a column by anti-Gore hack Charles Krauthammer. Prager emphasized how he agreed with the last sentence of Krauthammer's piece of hackwork: "Had it not been for a few little old ladies baffled by the butterfly ballot in Palm Beach, Fla., American foreign policy today would be made by Gore-Reiner instead of the Bush brain trust. Who says God doesn't smile upon the United States of America?"
I got back the screener and pointed out to Dennis how such as statement is blasphemy to me because if God intended for a chucklehead like George W. Bush to be President, why was it necessary for Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris to disenfranchise tens of thousands of minority voters (even after that, as the media consortium study discovered, if the clearly discernible ballots had been counted, Gore would have been awarded Florida). . I then mentioned Greg Palast's groundbreaking work (I even spelled out Palast's name) that uncovered this outrageous blow to democracy. Prager would let me elaborate much more about it but another caller followed up on my concerns. Prager said that if people were systematically disenfranchised, then he would speak out against it on his radio program. Fair enough. Assignment: e-mail Dennis Prager and inform him about the documented disenfranchisement of Florida voters, most of them minorities by members of the Party of Lincoln. Prager's e-mail address is By talk radio standards, Prager is fair. If Prager can actually read about this miscarriage of justice, then it would be a giant step.