3:39 AM
by Scoobie Davis
My Personal Preference is for Prostitutes from Tanzania
According to Sitemeter, I have received a lot a traffic from people looking for nude pictures of Erika Christensen (see my 8/30, 9/2, and 9/6 posts for full details). I was particularly amused by the person who stumbled upon my site by doing a Google search of the following phrase: "Nigerian whores in action."
While we're on the topic of whores, as a contributing writer to HorowitzWatch, I write about Richard Mellon Scaife's favorite monkeyboy, David Horowitz. Another monkeyboy in Scaife's stable is Christopher Ruddy, author of the libelous hit piece, The Strange Death of Vince Foster (which even Ann Coulter called a "conservative hoax book"). Ruddy's Newsmax is the topic of an article by Terry Krepel of ConWebWatch. Krepel has been smokin' in recent months; check out the entire web site.