8:02 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Homework Assignment
Yesterday, I reported how Trent Lott played fast and loose with the facts regarding his involvement with the racist group the Council of Conservative Citizens. Today on Hannity's show, Hannity didn't seem to have any knowledge about Lott's lies. This is ironic considering that Hannity was part of the chorus on the right that, during the 2000 campaign, put every sentence by Al Gore under a microscope in an attempt to portray Gore as a pathological liar (click here for an example of Hannity's dirty work; check the Daily Howler archives for a comprehensive examination of this phenomenon).
So Lott lied to Hannity's face and Hannity either doesn't know about it or doesn't care. I don't know which is the case. Let's find out. Please do one of the two following things:
1) E-mail Hannity at and inform him about Lott's lie regarding the CCC. Mention my post or Josh Marshall's post on the matter. Ask him if he knew about this.
2) Tommorrow (Friday), call Hannity's show at 1-800-941-7326 during the hours of 3PM - 6PM EST. Ask him if he knew about Lott's lies, and if so, ask him why he gave Lott a free pass.