10:59 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Hannity’s Chickens Coming Home To Roost?
On this blog, I have pointed out how the people who decide to advertise on talk radio take into account the gullibility factor of talk radio’s listeners. Hence, talk radio is inundated with ads for “no money down” real estate learning courses, baldness cures, expensive “herbal Viagra”, commodities dealers, MLM, and miracle diets. Talk radio listeners are a good source of easy income for unscrupulous companies--and it isn’t as if the radio hosts give a damn that their listeners are deceived—that’s the nature of talk radio. People who put up with Rush Limbaugh’s obvious lies are easy targets for these flimflam men.
It was hardly surprising to me when I heard that the notorious KKK-run Redneck Shop decided to advertise on Sean Hannity’s radio program. Last December, during the long-overdue outrage regarding Trent Lott’s racist words, views, and associations, Hannity was one of Lott’s most ardent supporters. I was the first to report Lott’s lie regarding his association with the Council of Conservative Citizens in his interview with Hannity. In the interview, Hannity threw softballs and allowed Lott to tell this lie with impunity--afterwards, Hannity described Lott as “sincere” in the interview. The people who supported Lott the same way Hannity did are also the people who would be clientele at The Redneck Shop. It was a logical advertising decision.