8:27 AM
by Scoobie Davis
America’s Worst Newspaper
A few months ago, The New York Post came to Los Angeles. I was going to write about it, but I thought, “What’s the point?” It would have been too easy. The New York Post is for people who are too lazy to watch television. When I passed the newspaper racks that held the Post, I read the headlines —I don’t know why people in LA would pay a buck to read a tabloid with headlines about New York’s mayor Michael Bloomberg.
A few days ago, a copy of the Post was left on a newspaper rack. I opened it up and it was worse than I remember it being. It reminded me of the late Mike Royko—who left the Chicago Sun-Times when Murdoch bought. Royko said that no self-respecting fish would allow itself to be wrapped in a Murdoch newspaper. Royko later said a truism about Murdoch--which is particularly relevant since “The Alien” (Royko’s nickname for Murdoch) has control over the “fair and balanced” Fox News. Royko pointed out how damn supercilious Murdoch was: Murdoch thought people were boobs; that was why Murdoch started boob-mentality newspapers or acquired newspapers and then dumbed them down. Fox News is the logical outgrowth of Murdoch’s philosophy.