6:40 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Yes, She is a Racist
Since I began critiquing Slander last year, I've received a lot of emails claiming that Ann Coulter is a racist and anti-semite. I couldn't confirm any of the charges, though I wouldn't put the accusations past her. Today's Daily Howler has an article on Coulter's slur against Arabs that they have body odor problems. That's not the first time Coulter made a crack against the hygiene of the Islamic world: Last year, I pointed out a similar crack Coulter made as the substitute host on the Dennis Prager radio show; here are Coulter's comments in her "Religion of Peace Update":
Now all of this about respect. And we’re always told Muslims feel humiliated—that’s why they slaughter Americans. It really is stunning how the people with the least self-respect are those most obsessed with others paying it to them. What I find is that a little soap and indoor plumbing goes a long way for your sense of self-respect. I would recommend it over flying planes into buildings.