11:14 PM
by Scoobie Davis
My Two Cents
I and other left-leaning bloggers were surveyed by John Hawkins of Right Wing News about who we thought were the worst figures in American history (the results will be published on Tuesday). We got to choose up to 20 people. Here is the list I submitted (in no particular order regarding harm I believe they committed against this great country):
Jefferson Davis
Strom Thurmond
Richard Nixon
Richard Mellon Scaife
Benedict Arnold
Joe McCarthy
George Lincoln Rockwell
John C. Calhoun
Henry Wirz
Aldrich Ames
Nathan Bedford Forrest
Katherine Harris
Rush Limbaugh
John Walker
John Wilkes Booth
Timothy McVeigh
George Wallace
Harry Anslinger
The soon-to-be-indicted member(s) of the Bush regime who blew the cover of CIA covert operative Valerie Plame (who was responsible for preventing the proliferation of WMDs).
The Rosenbergs
Worst resident alien: Sun Myung Moon
I'll give my reasons for each later. There are some people I wanted to include such as not-my-president George W. Bush and brother Jeb but I figured that other bloggers would pick up the slack and vote for them. Another good choice that I didn't include is David Horowitz. Horowitz violated the Espionage Act and weakened America's defenses and then he became one of Richard Mellon Scaife's monkeyboys. Talk about a True Believer. By the way, last year, George W. Bush invited Horowitz--who is still subject to criminal prosecution for espionage--to his Crawford ranch/stage prop; I broke the story but the national media was not interested. Am I the only one who thinks it's odd that the currant occupant of the Oval Office would seek advice from an admitted traitor and spy who, let me repeat, is still subject to criminal prosecution for the violation of the Espionage Act---which he has admitted violating? Email me if you think I'm right or wrong about this.