8:00 AM
by Scoobie Davis
How Do I Get On The Gravy Train?
In response to the letter by the lawyer for National Review's Donald L. Luskin against Atrios for alleged libelous comments (Atrios used the term "stalker" to describe Luskin), I put up the phone number for Luskin's lawyer Jeffrey J. Upton and told people to call.
I have since removed that post. Why? I don't want to tee off Upton. He might be working for me. While Luskin's case against Atrios is frivolous, my case against Ann Coulter isn't. Last year, when I got an advance review copy of Slander through a mainstream media friend and found that the book was full of lies and distortions. I had my media friend contact Coulter's publicist in order to find out her media itinerary so that I could call whatever talk radio show she was on and confront her with the lies in Slander (which, by the way, have not been corrected in any meaningful way by Coulter). The publicist offered my friend an interview with Coulter that he turned down but gave to me. I interviewed Coulter and she falsely accused me of being a stalker. If false claims of stalking are actionable then I might want to have Luskin's lawyer as my counsel. This might lead to some easy money for me.
UPDATE: Some unfamiliar with my tongue-in-cheek attitude thought I was serious. I have no plans to sue Coulter (though it would be fitting: writing right-wing bullshit is lucrative; refuting right-wing bullshit isn't).