7:49 PM
by Scoobie Davis
No Shit, Dick Tracy. Of Course, Rush is a Racist
Today on Limbaugh's radio show, he was doing damage control for his comments about Donovan McNabb on ESPN. I respect King Kaufman but I disagree with him that Limbaugh isn't a racist.
I have been listening to the guy for the past twelve years. Aside from being a paranoid (and hateful) conspiracy theorist (e.g., scroll down to yesterday’s post on Vince Foster), Limbaugh is a racist. Let’s look at the record. I’ll report and you decide. I remember on Limbaugh’s television show (which was produced by Roger Ailes of the Fair and Balanced network) how Limbaugh tried to convince his audience, against all evidence, that the cops who beat Rodney King were innocent. Guess who said this: "He's [Strom Thurmond] not encumbered by being politically correct.... If you want to know what America used to be--and a lot of people wish it still were--then you listen to Strom Thurmond." If you guessed Trent Lott, you’re wrong; it was El Rushbo. On the subject of Lott: when there was speculation that Lott would resign from the Senate last December, here’s how Limbaugh weighed in on the issue (Sadly, I was the only one to report this):
The Democrats in Mississippi look to be ready to nominate Mike Espy, the former agriculture secretary, to be the new senator from Mississippi that would replace Lott. That'd be a double whammy, to get a Democrat plus an African-American in there to take Trent Lott's seat. That takes the Senate back to 50-50, with Dick Cheney breaking tie votes.
Jeff Cohen and Steve Rendell reported on Limbaugh’s comments on race when Limbaugh was being considered for a commentator position on ABC’s Monday Night Football. Here are some choice quotes by Limbaugh:
To a black caller: "Take that bone out of your nose and call me back."
"Have you ever noticed how all composite pictures of wanted criminals resemble Jesse Jackson?"
"The NAACP should have riot rehearsal. They should get a liquor store and practice robberies."
Limbaugh obviously hasn’t learned anything from these episodes. Last week, I reported that Limbaugh had a parody of Gone With The Wind that also parodied the Democratic presidential candidates. When the announcer in the parody said Carol Moseley-Braun's name, a sound-alike of Butterfly McQueen screams, "I don't know nothin' about runnin' for no president!"
If Limbaugh isn't a racist, then I'm the Lord Mayor of London.