10:12 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Jeane Dixon
On today's Radio Factor, Bill O'Reilly patted himself on the back when he pointed to his prediction from a week ago that Wesley Clark--whom O'Reilly referred to as a "pinhead"--would drop of of the presidential race (like, no shit, Dick Tracy). Today, O'Reilly also made a prediction about the Bush AWOL story:
It [the story] disappears in about a week. Kerry himself said today that he's not going to make an issue of it and he's smart to do that. He's smart to do that. It's an ideologically-driven story. The guy, the President, got an honorable discharge--maybe he cut some corners--we all did when we were younger. I see it as not a reflection on who he is today. And Kerry has taken the high road and Kerry is smart.
I'm betting that O'Reilly is wrong. Orcinus has more.