9:18 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Rush Limbaugh Accuses 9/11 Widows of Being "Coached"
Today on his radio show, Rush Limbaugh accused widows of 9/11 victims who criticized the new Bush/Cheney ad that included images of the WTC of "sounding like operatives" and said that it was obvious that they were all faxed talking points--supposedly by Democrats. More later.
UPDATE: In the second hour of the show, Limbaugh clearly went from speculation to accusation. Limbaugh said: "It sounds to me, like not only were these women coached, but it sounds to me like somebody fed them to the networks. This just doesn't happen. This is too random. . . It sounds to me like the Democrats have rolled the dice and came up roses that Bush was going to do an ad like this and that they have been planning this in response.
3/12 UPDATE:Read this:
Rush Limbaugh, like the RNC, Wall Street Journal and New York Post, has taken to attacking family members of 9/11 victims for criticizing President Bush for using 9/11 images in his campaign ads. In a radio program this week, Limbaugh said the families were being funded by Teresa Heinz Kerry and berated two family members after playing audio clips of them criticizing Bush: "These people are poisoned. They have literally been poisoned by their hate. They have been poisoned by their rage. It is unbelievable, the depths to which they will sink," Limbaugh said, without identifying the two women.
In an op-ed, Allan P. Duncan does a good job of exposing the conservative conspiracy theory about the 9/11 families. First, Duncan says, the two women Rush attacked but didn't identify were Kristen Breitweiser and Monica Gabrielle, "both members of the Family Steering Committee for the 9-11 Commission, and not members of the group Limbaugh claims received funding from Teresa Heinz Kerry. That group, according to news reports that began hitting the wires on March 6th was September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrows."
Also, read this.