9:39 PM
by Scoobie Davis
My Mind is Blown
I've said it before: I often feel like the character Mr. Hand (deftly played by one of favorite character actors, Ray Walston) who by the end of Fast Times at Ridgemont High became convinced that everyone is on drugs. I was listening to the O'Franken factor and heard the following from Rush Limbaugh about the torture and sexual humiliation of Iraqi prisoners by some renegade American troops:
This is no different than what happens at the Skull and Bones initiation and we're going to ruin people's lives over it, and we're going to hamper our military
effort, and then we're going to really hammer 'em because they had a good time.
You know, these people are being fired at everyday - I'm talking about the people having a good time.
You ever hear of emotional release?
You ever hear of need to blow some steam off?
These people are the enemy!
Yes, I know Limbaugh was hooked on hillbilly heroin but what about the people who listen to this and take this shit seriously? I don't know where to start.
Also, I heard Ann Coulter tonight on KABC radio. She was so loony that even the host Al Rantel (a right-winger) thought Coulter was being tongue-in-cheek.
That's the teaser: I will have a transcript tomorrow.
I am slowly becoming convinced that one of these days, Coulter will come forth and admit that she's jerking everyone's chain.
UPDATE: on today's (5/6/04) morning update, Limbaugh did not mention his comments on the treatment of Iraqi prisoners.