8:41 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Mouthbreathers Imitate Parody
This shit is too funny. When Atrios heard about how one of the right-wing front group Swift Boat Veterans for Truth retracted his accusation that John Kerry did not deserve the Silver Star--one of the main allegations of the forthcoming smear book Unfit for Command (co-written by a longtime anti-Kerry operative and an anti-Catholic nut job), he jokingly wrote, "Obviously, Kerry sent his goons after the guy's family."
It seems as if some people on the Free Republic web site actually believe this is the case. For instance, someone with the posting ID "Phantom Lord" wrote "Hired Goons. They are very good at 'fixing' things." The Freeper known as "Steplock" wrote: "Paid off? I doubt it - Super Heavy THREATS against his family? Most likely. The only other explanation --- He was PLANTED by the dnc to be the loud voice who then "confesses" his lies to the people." Alluding to the debunked Alex Polier story, Freeper "claudiustg" wrote, "The timing is very suspicious, no? I wonder if Elliott is going to disappear to Africa somewhere." Read the entire thread here. It's medication time.