10:39 PM
by Scoobie Davis
The Naked City
I was at Wilshire and Alvarado and there was a guy with a couple hundred Chick tracts. He gave me "The Great One."
I stand corrected. The problem about Chick tracts being released on the net is that it's a different experience for me reading tracts on the web versus reading the paper tracts. When I read them on the web, I tend to skim a lot. Anyhow, recently I told you that I thought the latest tract, "Kidnapped," was weak. However, I ordered some Chick tracts recently ("The Traitor", a classic Hindu-bashing tract and other classic tracts like "The Curse of Baphomet" are being retired and are in limited supply). When I received my order, I received a paper copy of "Kidnapped." Reading the paper version made me appreciate it and I read some neato things that I skimmed over when I read it on the net. I missed the part about God talking to Holly when she was in the trunk of the kidnapper. That is tight. I also gained an appreciation for the cop letting us know that we have an awesome God. Totally awesome!