10:08 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Today's Howler
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Yes, the press corps is giving its Standard Free Pass to Mark Levin's gong-show best-seller (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 4/5/05). But then, that's what this group does best; Dahlia Lithwick hasn't heard, but they also gave a free pass to the gong-show best-seller, Unfit for Command, that transformed the Bush-Kerry race. Indeed, the mainstream press has been AWOL for decades regarding the work of the kooky-con right. Not for them the grimy task of confronting the pseudo-con discourse being ginned in such kooky-con precincts. It's simpler to count up Ann Coulter's footnotes-praising the scribe for her brilliant scholarship-while failing to note that the mountain of notes were, in fact, largely bogus (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 7/22/02). Lithwick seems to think that her "serious journalist" pals have been hard at work in recent years-that Levin's free pass is some sort of surprise. In fact, her gang has long been AWOL. Levin's free pass? It's the latest example of their long refusal to confront the rough, nasty men who have made such a long-running joke of your discourse. Lithwick is right about Mark Levin's treatment. But she's wrong about everything else.