9:30 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Adding to My Media Reading List
I had a minor beef with one of the guys from a few years ago so I've never linked to the site until now. The reason: today on the Ed Schultz radio show, Big Eddie interviewed Jason Leopold, who writes for the site, about his memoir, News Junkie (Podcast here); it looks like a good read. Leopold also discussed the Plame affair and he predicted an indictment of Karl Rove.
Addendum--quick note: Schultz made an appearance in San Diego last month and I was able to have a quick talk with him. I asked him if he thought the Dems would take the House. He was optimistic but thought that they would have to work hard to avoid falling a couple short. Final thought: they don't call him Big Eddie for nothing: I'm 6'1" and 200 lbs. and he dwarfs me.
UPDATE: MSNBC's David Shuster also thinks an indictment is down the road for Rove. When Rove gave up his duties as cheif White House policy coordinator, he did so to focus on poltics--specifically to have an impact on the 2006 elections. It looks as if he will--but for reasons he didn't intend. Rejoice.