12:29 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Two Films I Highly Recommend
1. The Big Buy: Tom DeLay's Stolen Congress. I saw this film last night at a screening at the Unitarian Univeralist Church in the Hillcrest area of San Diego. This was a great film by Robert Greenwald, the filmmaker who put foot to ass to Roger Ailes in OutFoxed. I recommend that you see it even if you know the fill story about DeLay. The only deficiency other that the rather plain cinematography is the fact that the film would have to be 10 hours long to document the entirety of DeLay’s sleaziness. For instance, I was disappointed that it didn’t address the way DeLay went to bat for predatory business owners in the Northern Mariana Islands who operated sweatshops and forced female employees to become prostitutes and have abortions when they became pregnant (this from a guy who claims to speak for Christian Americans). Of course, this isn’t the film’s fault that DeLay is such a sleazy pol.
Easy things you can do to get the word out about the film:
1) Buy the DVD
2) Once you see it, rate it on the Internet Movie Database.
3) Once you see it, write a review on the Internet Movie Database
4) Go to a screening
5) E-mail the site to your friends:
6) Be a part of the Big Buy/Tom DeLay Google Bomb.
7) If you’re a blogger, mention the film.
2. Hot Chicks is a film that adapts several of Jack T. Chick’s tracts into short films. I saw this at the LA Film Festival. Although the individual films didn’t have high budgets, they did great and creative adaptations of Chick tracts. I gave it the highest rating on my film festival survey. Also, get a Hot Chicks shirt.
Addendum: The DeLaty Gooogle bomb
1. Copy and paste the following to your web site or on an internet bulletin board:
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">U.S. Congress</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
<a href="">Tom DeLay</a>
The results will look like this:
Tom DeLay
U.S. Congress
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay
Tom DeLay