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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Yesterday's Political Trifecta
Yesterday was a great day for America.

1) It was widely reported that the people in the Bush White House were lying tubs of shit when it came to the extent of their contact with Jack Abramoff. This story has big-time legs.

2) Rep. Mark "The Poet" Foley (R-Fla) resigned because of his creepy emails (e.g., "love to slip them [clothes] off of you") to a 16 year-old intern. The resignation turns a formerly safe Republican seat to a likely Democratic pick-up.

3) Probably the best news is about the scandal revolving around the probable cover-up regarding Foley's misconduct. There will be a major shitstorm for the House GOP leadership right before the election. Woo Hoo!

Friday, September 29, 2006

Alma Mater Predictions
Ohio State 33, Iowa 9
Miami of Ohio 22, University of Cincinnati 14 (yeah, Cincinnati is favored but I think the Redhawks are hungry).

Fair and Balanced: a Case Study
First things first: if you haven't seen the video with Senator Barbara Boxer on Faux News mocking the "fair and balanced" slogan, click here.

The Fox News show Hannity & Colmes is a prime example how the pretense that Fox News is "fair and balanced" is a joke, a transparent one (read the chapter about H & C in Al Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars who Tell Them for the full scoop). The pairing of wimp Alan Colmes with movement firebrand Sean Hannity is Exhibit A--a revealing tidbit from David Talbot in Salon

[W]hen hunting for a liberal punching bag to pair with Sean Hannity, [Fox News chief Roger] Ailes had tried out a tough Salon writer. He apparently punched back so effectively in his audition that Fox picked bespectacled milquetoast Alan Colmes instead. Fox likes its liberals soft and chewy, the better to eat them, my dear.
Not only is there a mismatch between the hosts but there is a imbalance when it comes to the political affiliation of the guests; Media Matters for America did a content analysis of guests who appeared on the show during the first two months of 2006, the chart speaks for itself:

The latest example of an egregious lack of balance I caught on Hannity & Colmes was much more subtle (and insidious) than what I'm used to. The subject was Senator George Allen's problems with race (quick aside: Allen will appear on tonight's H&C show). The guests were a Democratic representative, a Republican representative, and Kathleen Antrim, who was described as a journalist.

I wasn't paying too close attention to the debate until I heard what was coming out of the mouth of Antrim, the alleged journalist (sorry, I don't have a transcript so this is based on memory and some illegible notes I wrote). Regarding the allegations that Allen habitually dropped the n-bomb when he was a student at the University of Virginia, Antrim replied that she spent day and night with Allen's campaign and that the charges that Allen uttered the n-word during the 1970's were categorically false.

That raised a huge red flag for me. I mean, how would Antrim know what words Allen used or didn't use over thirty years ago by spending time on his 2006 campaign? It wouldn't have been unusual for the Republican operative to have used such illogic, but a supposedly impartial journalist? I really began to pay attention when Antrim began parroting Allen's transparently false argument that the noose that hung in his office was, in fact, really a lasso.

It was right a round that time when I noticed on the screen that Antrim was affiliated with NewsMax, an online and print magazine. For those of you not familiar with NewsMax, it was started by pseudo-journalist Christopher Ruddy who was at the core of the Scaife-funded attempt to implicate the Clinton administration--most notably Bill and Hillary Clinton--in the death of Vince Foster (quick note: the head of Fox News, Roger Ailes, championed Ruddy's pseudo-journalism). Just to show how bad Ruddy's journalism was on the Foster matter, he was fired from the tabloid The New York Post for shoddy journalism and that Ann Coulter was forced to conclude that Ruddy's book on the Foster case was "a conservative hoax book"(more on Ruddy's involvement with the Foster matter can be found in Trudy Lieberman's CJR article and a post on this blog).

Since its establishment by Ruddy in 1999, Newsmax has gained a reputation of being a cesspool of gossip, innuendo, and phony journalism. ConWebWatch has done a good job of chronicling Newsmax. NewsMax writers have had a field day with false or misleading article on Hillary Clinton--the urban legends website debunked a couple of phony NewsMax stories (click here and here). Not surprisingly, NewsMax is treating the charges that Allen used the n-word were part of a liberal media conspiracy (though they treated questionable allegations that Hillary Clinton used anti-Semitic slurs as fact).

Now, back to Antrim, I did a little research on her. Her NewsMax columns defend Allen (e.g., here). I also found a rather revealing interview of Antrim in which she discussed her political novel Capital Offense. The paranoia she reveals indicates that she fits in well in the NewsMax camp:
[Interviewer]And at one point you were warned to back off?

[Antrim] I was warned by a credible source that I may be stepping on some powerful toes with my questions, and I had better be careful. I laughed and remarked that I was a nobody from California. Who would notice me? The individual issuing the warning did not laugh. This was a sobering moment. I was told that if you ask the right kinds of questions, of certain people, you hit the radar screen very quickly.

I'd be lying if I didn't say this scared the hell out of me. I took about three days to evaluate what I was doing and where I was going with this project. I decided to go forward, but I changed the tack of my questions.

I also sent a manuscript out of state to an undisclosed location, just in case something did happen to me.

[Interviewer] What aspect of the book got you the warnings?

[Antrim] I was never told precisely what aspect of my research caused the warnings. But I can tell you that at that point, I was heavily involved in investigating and researching the Clintons' time in Arkansas. Much of this had to do with Hillary, her relationship with Vince Foster, and of course her power as the first lady of Arkansas.

I was also learning a lot about Bill's misadventures with other women. Of course, this was long before the scandal broke about his affairs. And my sources proved to be extremely accurate.

In fact, an editor of mine had been working with me as I refined much of my information. She was shocked when the scandals publicly unfolded and she realized exactly how accurate my sources were.

[Interviewer] Any thoughts about Vince Foster, and was his apparent suicide one of the incidents you had in mind when you began writing the book?

[Antrim] The death of Vince Foster is very unsettling. There is an amazing amount of inconsistent information surrounding his death, the investigation and the autopsy. And, of course, his close relationship with Hillary was intriguing. One of my sources told me that all meetings with Hillary at the Rose Law Firm included Vince Foster. He was always in the room.

When I was writing the novel, and being that it's a thriller, I'm certain that my subconscious referred back to my research on his death. In a way, the Mark Dailey character in my book has some Vince Foster overtones, but he's not meant to be Vince Foster.

This woman is a certifiable right-wing nutjob.

The upshot of the Hannity & Colmes segment is that, on the surface, it appeared to be a discussion between two right-wingers (Hannity and the Republican guest), two liberals (Colmes and the Democratic guest), and an impartial journalist (Antrim). The reality is that it was an unfair fight pitting three right-wing operatives (Hannity, Antrim, and the Republican guest) against an adult liberal (the Democratic guest) and a liberal eunuch (Colmes).

Update on Hannity
This post from this site pops ups in the top ten for a Google search of Sean Hannity. Because of that, I receive a lot of hits. Accordingly, I revised the post to give more documentation about Newt Gingrich's appalling treatment of his wives--the pattern being that once a Gingrich wife's boobs start sagging, it's Adios, Mamacita. Also, at the end of the post, I added some informative links about Hannity. If you have any suggestions, e-mail me.

UPDATE: Synchronicity! I made these updates before realizing that General Motors hired Hannity "to be the lead spokesman for a car giveaway campaign called 'You’re a Great American'" No, GM, as the updated posts and the links I put on the post clearly show, Sean Hannity is a horrible American.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Quick, Revise the DSM-IV-TR. There's a New Mental Disorder: Fox News Derangement Syndrome
The other day, I noted the tack used by the right to counter any Dem or progressive who has a sack and doesn't take any crap from the right: call the offending person crazed, deranged, unhinged, mentally ill, etc.

Since then, there have been some prominent Democrats--notably Senator Barbara Boxer and former head of the DNC Terry McAuliffe (click here or scroll down to yesterday's post)--who have appeared on Fox News and have calmly humorously dissed the Fox News operation for, well, being a political operation instead of a journalistic outlet.

The reaction by the hard right to this good-natured (and well-deserved) mocking by these Dems has been swift and predictable. Michelle Maglalang--coming off her failed attempt to portray Democrats as "unhinged"--coined the term Fox News Derangement Syndrome on her blog. The Real Republican thinks that Boxer sarcastically and laughingly saying "Yeah, you are fair and balanced, thank you very much" amounts to an attack (RightWinged also uses the verb "attacks" to describe Boxer's sarcasm. Joel Johannesen called Boxer's calm ridicule "a mini hissy-fit."

That's the nature of the right. They love to dish it out but they can't take it.

Let The Washington Times Sink
In response to Max Blumenthal's Nation article on The Washington Times that documents the racism, misogyny (not surprising for anyone familiar with Moon), and infighting that exists in the quasi-newspaper. Writing in the Huffington Post, former Times reporter George Archibald called for the removal of the bad apples--namely Editor-in-Chief Wes Pruden, Managing Editor Fran Coombs, and assistant national editor Robert Stacy McCain.

The problem with this approach is that the problem isn't a few bad apples--the whole barrel is rotten. The Washington Times is a political operation masquerading as a journalistic outlet. What's more, it was established by a megalomaniac who is seeking political power in the United States and wants to use our freedoms ultimately to destroy our freedom and establish a one-world theocracy. Keep in mind also that the two billion or so dollars that Moon has dumped into this white elephant (The Times' circulation is one-seventh of the Washington Post and is considered a joke by real journalists) came off the backs of exploited church members who often were worked until exhaustion or bilked out of their life savings. The Times is nothing more than a means for Moon to achieve power--if you don't believe me, listen to Moon himself:

If anything, it would be preferable to keep clowns like Pruden, Coombs, and McCain on the Times' payroll as long as possible to remind people how the Times is a disgrace to journalism.

Addendum: When it Rains it Pours: Randall Casseday, the director of human resources at the Times, got nabbed by the DC cops and charged with "one count of attempting to entice a minor on the Internet." It's too bad that Moon was never charged with his involvement with a minor.

UPDATE: Max Blumenthal has more.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

This is How to Do it To Fox News
Barbara Boxer laughs at the "fair and balanced" slogan when interviewed by Fox News operative Jane Skinner:

Via Hinesite

Update: Terry McAuliffe scores too. Department of Give Me a Fucking Break: Defender of journalistic ethics Roger Ailes (also click here) calls Clinton's behavior in the Chris Wallace interview, "an assault on all journalists."

UPDATE: Media Matters takes apart Ailes' "assault on all journalists" comment.

ABC's Robert Garcia has more: I forgot that Ailes was part of Bush the elder's team when they got a GOP mole inside CBS to tell them what questions Dan Rather would ask in his interview with Bush--remember the interview in which Bush erupted against Rather?

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

I'd Rather Be Crazed Than Be Colmes
Quick tutorial on the Fox News propaganda machine's view of Democrats and progressives: The Fox News gang (and, for that matter, the rest of the Republican Noise Machine) believe that there is no libel so vile that it can't be used against Democrats. However, if a Democrat punches back, even if the Democrat is accurate in his criticism of the right, then said Democrat is "mentally ill, "crazed," "unhinged," and a threat to democracy. However, if said Democrat acts like a good Fox News Democrat, then everything is okay.

The recent interview of former president Clinton is a case in point. When Fox News operative Chris Wallace tried to nail Clinton and Clinton held his ground and set Wallace straight, the response from Fox was predictable: they called Clinton's response "crazed" and closed their ranks behind Wallace--referring to Clinton's justifying indignant response to Wallace's baiting, "a 'complete meltdown,' an 'angry explosion,' a 'volcanic reaction,' and a 'tirade.'" Also, Fox News edited the interview to make Clinton look bad. Typical fucking Fox News.

This isn't the first time or the last Democrat this has happened to. For example, for a while, Sean Hannity's main talking point was that Howard Dean was "unhinged." Could it be partly because Dean appeared on Fox News and made a monkey out of Hannity--even mentioning Robert Greenwald's film Outfoxed on the air? Watch the video:

The Hannity & Colmes show had a surrealistic segment when paragon of sanity, Ann Coulter was invited on the show to discuss Al Gore's mental health. Also, Hannity claimed that Al Franken was insane because of a time in which Hannity confronted Franken in the Fox News green room in the 1990's (the truth about the incident can be found in chapter 14 of Franken's Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them: A Fair and Balanced Look at the Right(read the entire book in case you haven't done so). Apparently, mental illness is a exclusively found on the left; when I confronted Hannity about Pat Robertson's bigotry and lunatic conspiracy theories (such as those found in Roberton's The New World Order), Hannity's response was that I was a bigoted liar.

O'Reilly is also big on attacking the mental health of critics. When I confronted O'Reilly about Roger Ailes' documented hatemongering, the response was that I was "a nut." I also remember listening to O'Reilly on his radio show taking the same tack as Hannity about Al Franken being mentally ill. O'Reilly's example of a sane progressive? Alan Colmes (note: when you look up the word "wimp" on the urban dictionary site, "Alan Colmes" pops up as a synonym).

UPDATE: After I posted this, I noticed that the Orcinus Blog, Sara Robinson had posted some thoughts about the media's reaction to Clinton. Check it out.

Sunday, September 24, 2006

College Stuff

First things first, my alma mater predictions for yesterday:
Ohio State 25, Penn State 10
Syracuse 24, Miami of Ohio 14

Reality: Ohio St. 28, Penn St. 6 The Buckeyes remain number one in the USA Today Top 25 Coaches' Poll.
Syracuse 34, Miami of Ohio 14 The RedHawks are 0-4, which is an unusually bad start for a perennially strong program.

Department of Inflating My Sitemeter Stats By Getting Search Engine Hits from Horndogs:
The October issue of Playboy has a "Girls of the Big 12 Conference" pictorial. Hubba Hubba. The women are all hot but for me first place goes to Jessica Lorin from the University of Colorado--I don't like cold weather but I'd go skiing with her any day! Second place: Susana Rose from Texas Tech. Third place to the University of Kansas' Allie Love--due mainly to her sultry expression. Honorable mention: Taylor Alexander of Oklahoma State, Courtney Taylor, covergirl Tamara Witmer, and Nia Ryder of the University of Oklahoma, Courtney Storm of Kansas State, Reagan Yun of Missouri, Sophia Garcia of the University of Colorado, and Lonnie Ann of Kansas.
Best of the Rest: Kansas: Hanna Samon, Joselyn Brandy, Kate Thompson, Kelly Marie, Alexis Hale, and Lacy Lynn; Nebraska: Amanda Adams and Jordan Monroe; Colorado: Nikki England and Stephanie Marie; Oklahoma State: Kelli Gallo and Alexandra Hill; University of Texas: Jenna Lea Deforke; University of Oklahoma: Ashley Thompson, Mandy Troost, and Jaclyn Valez; Missouri: Savannah Taylor; Iowa State: Cady Thomas; Kansas State: Delaine Barnes; Texas A&M: Tasia Bauman.

UPDATE: Based on a keyword search, Reagan Yun of Missouri is very popular.
10/29 Update: Reagan Yun made Playboy Coed of the Week

Friday, September 22, 2006

Adios to Mean Jean?
Earlier today, I read on the net that the race in Ohio's 2nd congressional district between Mean Jean Schmidt (R-Wingnutville) and Democrat Victoria Wulsin was a dead head. Then today it came out that Schmidt plagiarized a press release written by fellow member of Congress Deborah Pryce (this new scandal is listed on Wikipedia on both Schmidt's entry and the entry on the race--that's some fast work). Now, it appears very likely that Mean Jean is going to get the boot.

Alma Mater Predictions for Saturday
Ohio State 25, Penn State 10
Syracuse 24, Miami of Ohio 14

Last Week's Predictions:
Miami University RedHawks 34, Kent State Golden Flashes 14
Ohio State Buckeyes 42, Cincinnati Bearcats 7

Kent State Golden Flashes 16, Miami University RedHawks 14
Ohio State Buckeyes 37, Cincinnati Bearcats 7

I Am The Three Billion Dollar Man!
I have crashed a lot of parties. Probably the funnest and most lavish have been movie premiere after-parties (As Sam Raimi told me after I told him that I crashed the Spider-Man after party, "They [Hollywood] do know how to spend money). Anyhow, I calculated the domestic box office of all the films whose premiere after-parties or events I've crashed. This summer I surpassed the 3 billion dollar mark.
Does this mean anything? Not a whole lot but it's been slammin' time!

The list:
Tomcats (2001) $13,000,000
Spider-Man (2002) $403,000,000
Men in Black II (2002) $189,000,000
xXx (2002) $142,000,000
Scooby Doo (2002) $175,000,000
Swimfan (2002) $28,000,000
Austin Powers in Goldmember (2002) $213,000,000
Blue Crush (2002) $38,000,000
Undercover Brother (2002) $39,000,000
I Spy (2002) $33,000,000
National Security (2002) $36,000,000
2 Fast 2 Furious (2003) $127,000,000
Hulk (2003) $132,000,000
Terminator 3 (2003) $150,000,000
Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle (2004) $18,000,000
Spider-Man 2 (2004) $387,000,000
xXx: State of the Union (2004) $27,000,000
Spanglish (2004) $42,000,000
Batman Begins (2005) $205,000,000
Lords of Dogtown (2005) $13,000,000
Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (2005) $39,000,000
Wedding Crashers (2005) $210,000,000
Superman Returns (2006) $198,000,000
Clerks 2 (2006) $24,000,000
Talledega Nights (2006) $145,000,000
Beerfest (2006) $18,000,000
Total $3,044,000,000

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Racism, The Race Card, and The Moonie Times
1) Great News! To anyone familiar with the Sun Myung Moon-owned Washington Times, it's no secret there are some people at the paper who have a big problem with race. Apparently The Nation magazine is preparing an article on racism and sexism at the paper.
UPDATE: Here's the Nation article by Max Blumenthal (via APJ)

2) The Race Card and the Right: A Matter of Whose Ox is Gored. The right has long accused racial minorities on the left of playing the race card whenever their moral failings are exposed. In the course of preparing a long post on Regnery Publishing, I noticed something that has escaped most critics of Regnery--during the 1980's, when the Messiah was facing time in the slammer for income tax evasion, Regnery published two books that shamelessly attempted to portray the prosecution as racially-motivated: 1) To Bigotry, No Sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon and the Unification Church by then-president of the Unification Church, Mose Durst; and 2) Inquisition by Carlton Sherwood.

3)The Redemption of Samuel Francis. The Washington Times ran white supremacist Samuel Francis' column until he made some flagrantly racist comments at the 1994 annual meeting of the Jared Taylor's white supremacist group American Renaissance (Richard Mellon Scaife's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review carried Francis' column for another nine years). At least one current editor at the Times doesn't mind giving credibility to Francis' work. Times managing editor Fran Coombs recently compared Francis to the Founding Fathers in his endorsement of Francis' new book on the culture war (which was posthumously published because Francis' superior white genes let him down at the ripe old age of 57).

Succinct Post on the Meaning of George Allen's "Macaca" and Jewish Heritage Gaffes
By Salon War Room's Tim Grieve

More Jack T. Chick Stuff
I got a lot of hits for posting the old picture of Jack Chick. I have some more Chick news:
1) I was in Borders Books the other day and checked out Welcome to JesusLand! (Formerly the United States of America): Shocking Tales of Depravity, Sex, and Sin Uncovered by God's Favorite Church, Landover Baptist by the guys behind Betty Bowers. There's a Chick tract parody on the last page of the book.
2) I have a copy of the 1987 record by Linus that has a song titled "Jack Chick" (like the yearbook, I got it on Ebay). I went to the library and listened to it. Phat song.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Finally, Some Career Advice That I Can Use!
Candace Corner gives me the scoop.

Exclusive Jack Chick Photograph
Those of you who are regular readers of this blog know that I'm a huge fan of Jack Chick (from a postmodernist perspective--not because I agree with his theology or views). Plus, Chick's tracts and comix are fun to read. No recent photos of Chick are available to the public. however, a while back I obtained (from Ebay) a copy of the 1941 Alahambra (California) high school yearbook (it was Chick's junior year). So here's a photo from the high school drama club (note Chick's cool leather jacket):

Picture of Jack T. Chick
Another high school photo of Chick can be found here. There are a few other photos of Chick from the yearbook that I will post later.

UPDATE: I have another photograph of the Chickster.

Monday, September 18, 2006

The Choice is Clear in Pennsylvania's 7th Congressional District
The race in Pennsylvania's 7th congressional district is between Democratic candidate Joe Sestak and the incumbent, Republican Curt Weldon. A little about both candidates. Sestak is a highly decorated retired Navy admiral who has served his country with honor and dignity. Weldon is an assclown who was a "Congressional Co-Chair" of the coronation ceremony for America-hating cult leader and ex-con who thinks he's the messiah, Sun Myung Moon. Here's a thought-provoking video on Weldon and his relationship with Moon:

Not surprisingly, Republican operatives are trying to swiftboat Sestak (the Patriot Project has the full story).

Quick items about Moon: I still have not finished watching Inchon. . .John Gorenfeld provides a detailed rejoinder to David Brooks' attempt to marginalize Kevin Phillips for reporting on the cozy relationship between two very dysfunctional families: the Bushes and the Moons (I also wrote about this in May).

Sunday, September 17, 2006

James Webb Was Strong in Meet The Press Debate With George Allen
Don't take my word for it--read the post by Dean Barnett on Hugh Hewitt's blog (via the Booman Tribune).

Pope Benedict Taking it on the Chin
I hope Pope Benedict irons things out with Muslims. Anyway, the other day I received in the mail my paper copy of September/October issue of Jack Chick's Battle Cry newspaper (along with paper copies of the Chickster's newest tracts). In the paper copy of Battle Cry, Chick drew a cartoon of what he imagines Benedict's reaction would be to Chick Publication's latest conspiratorial rant on Rome, Babylon Religion. The cartoon is not online so I scanned it:
jack chick on pope benedict

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Why Rush Limbaugh Loves a Controlled Atmosphere
Like all bullies, Rush Limbaugh is a coward. He loves to dish it out but he can't take it. Take a look at the event that probably more than anything cemented Limbaugh's decision to eschew debate, spontaneity, or balance. In 1990, Limbaugh guest-hosted the Pat Sajak Show on CBS. Check the blustering bully getting a taste of his own medicine. A CBS executive later told PBS's Frontline, "I have never seen a man sweat so much."

It's not surprising that Limbaugh soon wised up and chose Roger Ailes as the producer of his television show that ran from 1992 to 1996 (Ailes' Fox News is the epitome of the stacked deck).

I know some of you may be thinking that if Limbaugh is so bad about not having opposing views on his radio show, then how did I get on his show twice (click here and here). One thing to keep in mind is that both times when I got through to Limbaugh's call screener, I spoke in an inarticulate manner. I acted tentative and confused. It's not so much that Limbaugh doesn't want opposing views on his show, he just doesn't want those people to be strong debaters--much the same way that Limbaugh's former producer Ailes wants the "balance" on Fox News to be untelegenic, weak debaters like Alan Colmes and Susan Estrich. So when a strong debater like me or this caller get through to speak with Limbaugh, it's an exceptional situation.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Alma Mater Predictions
Miami University RedHawks 34, Kent State Golden Flashes 14
Ohio State Buckeyes 42, Cincinnati Bearcats 7

Woo Hoo! Mr. Freedom Fries May Be Losing his Freedom
Bob Ney to plead guilty

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Great Ad Against Senator Macaca

Not Pretty
This morning I listened to San Diego Union-Tribune columnist Ruben Navarrette Jr. defending his defense of the The Path to 9/11 on Stacy Taylor's radio show. Note to Navarrette: Don't fuck with the eagles until you learn to fly.

Listen to the podcast

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

New Book Illustrated by Jack Chick
Consistant with Chick's view that Roman Catholicism is a Babylonian goddess worship cult (Alexander Hislop, a 19th century protestant minister, developed this theory in his book The Two Bablons), Chick Publications has published David W. Daniels' Babylon Religion. The Chickster himself illustrated the book. I look forward to reading it--even though I don't agree with any of Chick's theology or theories about Rome. Chick is just a fun read.

New Post on HorowitzWatch
Click here

Monday, September 11, 2006

A Great Combo
Keith Olbermann and Sidney Blumenthal.

My Way of Remembering 9/11
I am pleased to announce a successful Google bomb of the phrase, "The Path to 9/11." Because of blogs such as my Google Bomb Blog, Le Google Bomb Blog, as well as sites like Democratic Underground, the top 20 searches on Google for this phrase provides web searchers with many sites that give the truth about this noxious hatchet job. As of today, the top 20 sites include two Media Matters articles (click here and here), Joe Conason's information article, two Think Progress articles (click here and here), a video of 9/11 commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste correcting the historical record, a post on Daily Kos, a petition to Disney president Roger Igor, Tom Shales analysis, "ABC's Twisted 'Path to 9/11'", a letter by congressional Democrats to Igor denouncing the inaccuracies of the film, and Max Blumenthal's informative article on the treacherous forces behind the film (which include admitted violator of the Espionage Act David Horowitz).

Thanks to all who helped make this a huge success.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Don't Mess With The Ohio State Buckeyes!
Yesterday's prediction: Ohio State Buckeyes 28, Texas Longhorns 24
The actual for the Lone Star Lickin' the Longhorns received: Ohio State Buckeyes 28, Texas Longhorns 24.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Ohio State 28, Texas 24

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

New Google Bomb
On the Google Bomb Blog, I g-bombed The Path to 9/11.

What Next? Senator George Allen to Restore Racial Equality?
From Altercation:

[Katie Couric] said that she wanted to help restore “civility” to the public discourse and then announced she would have Rush Limbaugh help with the job.
Then Alterman gave several instances in which Limbaugh was anything but civil. Here are some more reasons.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Need Good Links for The Path to 9/11
The Path to 9/11 deserves a Google bomb. Please e-mail me informative articles on the net for linking purposes.

No Posting for a Couple Days
I have a bad cold.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

New Jack T. Chick Tracts
The Chickster has two new tracts:
1) In preparation for Halloween, Chick brought out "Here, Kitty Kitty." This is an unusual tract because the artwork is by neither Chick nor Fred Carter (the first time that a tract has been done by someone other than those two since the early 1990's). The artwork is crude like Chick's but Chick employs crosshatching--soemthing largely missing in this tract.
2) As part of his series aimed at African-Americans, Chick came out with "Soul Sister," a black version of "Best Friend." Artwork is by Fred Carter.
