11:11 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Don't Ya Love It? The Right is Going Apeshit over Foleygate
It's great to hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth by the likes of Limbaugh and Hannity. I was listening to Limbaugh's radio show today and his tack is that it is all a political dirty trick by the Democrats--specifically what Limbaugh calls "The Clinton War Room"--and what El Rushbo calls "the drive-by media." Limbaugh went as far as to compare Democrats to the Mafia in that they can't win at the ballot box legitimately but need to "take out" Republicans by smears and dirty tricks.
These guys are unhinged. Isn't it great?
UPDATE: More on Limbaugh on "The Clinton War Room." This is funny.
NOON UPDATE: Hannity mentioned the "Carville/Begala War Room" on his radio show. The line of reasoning on Hannity's radio show: What did the Democrats know about Foley and when did they know it?