12:26 PM
by Scoobie Davis
The Wailing and Gnashing of the Teeth By the Right
For the past week, it's been great listening to the unhinged talk of the right-wing talk radio jocks like Limbaugh, Drudge, and Hannity (with their talk of the Foley scandal being the work of the Clinton War Room" or that the whole thing was a "prank gone awry" by the not-so-innocent pages). It's Wing-Nuts Gone Wild!
Anyhow, I was listening to O'Reilly on the radio this morning. He's not as rabid as Hannity or Limbaugh on the Foley issue, but I had to laugh when he went after his latest MSM target: The Cleveland Plain Dealer. The paper's crime: apparently they assigned their review of O'Reilly's book Culture Warrior to Media Matters of America's Elbert Ventura, who promptly slammed the book for numerous factual inaccuracies. What also incensed O'Reilly was that the paper referred to Media Matters as "a media watchdog nonprofit in Washington, D.C." and not a partisan group O'Reilly is obviously smarting for being named "misinformed of the Year" for 2004 by the group.
UPDATE: I changed the book cover image to a parody image thanks to a jpeg image supplied by American Politics Journal.
ADDITONAL UPDATE: Media Matters has a clip of the O'Reilly show and notes that O'Reilly couldn't find any factual errors in the review.