10:03 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Spring Break 2007 With Phyllis Schlafly and Ann Coulter!
All my dreams have come true! Spending spring break having fun at the beach and engaging in hedonistic activities is so behind the times. If you really want to be on the cutting edge, you can see Phyllis Schlafly and Ann Coulter at the Reclaiming America for Christ conference on March 2 and 3, 2007 in Fort Lauderdale (formerly America's college spring break mecca--see addendum). It won't be on the beach but will be held at D. James Kennedy's Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church. Schlafly will be the main speaker for the Salt & Light Banquet. Coulter will be giving the closing session lecture. The topic of her lecture was not announced but one of the conference's topics is "Darwin's deadly legacy" and Coulter appeared in Kennedy's TV special with the same name (she also slammed Darwin in her most recent book Godless). Quick note on Coulter and Schlafly: Coulter wrote an unintentially hilarious 3-page paean to Schlafly in Slander: Liberal Lies about the American Right.
Let me just segue this post into a discussion about education and evolution. Coulter's stands on Darwin and evolution can be attributed to one of two scenarios: 1) Coulter is so incredibly obtuse that even an Ivy League education couldn't wipe the stupid off her (thus putting Coulter into the tiny camp of Ivy League-educated opponents of evolution such as George W. Bush); 2) Coulter doesn't believe her own bullshit about creationism but sees it as a way to pander to the yokels. I believe scenario two is the case. I know Coulter well enough to know that she's not stupid and that she's cynical enough to play the fundies like a ten-dollar accordion (Coulter, who grew up in the New Canaan, Connecticut suburbs, has pandered to the neo-confederate crowd also).
Here is the Reclaiming America for Christ website

Addendum: Requiem for a Party Town. Fort Lauderdale used to be America's top college spring break destination until puritans like D. James Kennedy put pressure on the local government in the 1980's to clean up Ft. Lauderdale's rep as a hedonistic playground for college students. Kennedy and others were responsible for the election of Doug Danziger as vice mayor of the city. Danziger wanted to make the city more "family-friendly" and was largely responsible for a police crackdown on college students on spring break (Ft. Lauderdale outlawed parties in 1985)--resulting in an exodus of spring breakers to places like Daytona Beach and Panama City. By the end of the 80's, the spring break population in the city had gone from 350,000 to fewer than 20,000.
Vice Mayor Danziger made his bones with the fundy crowd and was considered a rising political star with the sectarian right until, as luck would have it, he was videotaped having sex with
escort Kathy Willits (billed as "America's Favorite Nymphomaniac") and quickly sank into obscurity.