3:30 PM
by Scoobie Davis
A ComparisonAnn Coulter
May 13, 2009:
Liberals wouldn't attack James Dobson with the amount of bile they've directed at a 21-year-old beauty contestant. It's not just Christianity – it's women liberals hate. From Jean-Paul Sartre, Pablo Picasso and Bertrand Russell, who treated women--mostly their mistresses–-like dogs, to Teddy Kennedy and Bill Clinton in our own day, liberals are ferocious misogynists. [Note: Sartre, Picasso, and Russell were liberals?] They share Muslims' opinion of women, differing only to the extent that liberals also support a women's right to have an abortion and to perform lap dances. You'd be better off in a real burqa than under the authority of a liberal American male.
Ann Coulter
May 06, 2004:
Well, you can't avoid the fact that there are a disproportionate number of women involved, for one thing, in the [Abu Ghraib] abuse photos. It was a girl general [Janis Karpinski] who was in charge of running our Iraqi prison. And, you know, for one thing, I'm a little disappointed in Rumsfeld--he allows the greatest fighting force on the face of the globe to have girl generals--what are we doing with girl generals? But I think as a general matter, besides the fact that women don't have the physical abilities to do the training exercises while carrying even a medium-size backpack, women are more vicious than men . . . These are a few, you know, I mean, in general, these abuse photos are manifestly a few bad apples in an overwhelmingly honorable military. I don't know if you remember, but back during the Afghanistan war--and that was even the war that liberals pretended to support--our military was trained how to bury the dead so that their heads were facing Mecca. That's an incredibly honorable thing to do--and, by the way, it's something that doesn't occur to a woman because we are vicious. You don't want us in the military. . . I'm being a little tongue-in-cheek about how vicious women are, but I do think it is a serious problem having women in the military. Men are used to this sort of thing.