6:26 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Apologies (and One Non-Apology)
First, I'm sorry for not posting much. I just moved and I don't have internet access at home and I can't post at work so I have to go to private internet servers to post. Second, my behavior at the recent Ralph Nader booksigning (scroll down to 7/15) fell short of your expectations. I am sorry. I should have blurted out the question anyway. This apology leads me to an explanation that I will give with my non-apology.
To you Naderites out there who bitched about my post: I am not sorry for wanting to ask Nader the question. Nader is a political joke (though still a serious threat because he can still siphon off enough votes from John Kerry to either allow George W. Bush to win outright or get close enough to steal it as he did in 2000). Why is Nader a joke? Short answer: Nader ran for president twice and was in single digits in one (2.9 % in 2000) and in less than single digits in the other (0.7 % in 1996). That alone puts him in Harold Stassen/Lyndon LaRouche/Lenora Fulani territory. Nader wants to act like a serious contender because he want to become president. Well, I want to be Person Number Three in a menage a trois with Tara Reid and Judy Greer but I deserve to be mocked if I were to act as if that could be accomplished. Nader is a fringe crank and deserves to be treated like one. It's sad that a man who has helped the progressive cause in his younger years could irreparably tarnish his legacy with his recent grandiose and destructive delusions.