9:43 AM
by Scoobie Davis
A Note to Readers of this Blog
Dear Readers,
I received an email recently from someone saying that this blog is no longer the cutting edge source of media information that it used to be and that I devote a lot of space to matters not of media interest such as my Hollywood party crashing and the latest on Jack Chick.
First, let me comment on the slight change in format. I devote less time to media issues right now for a few reasons: 1) I’m working full-time and right now I can’t devote the time to making this blog the kind of blog it has been in the past. This will change in about a month when my work project is over and I can monitor the media more.
2) Some great sites have come along since I started blogging and have taken up the slack on media issues: they include Media Matters, Brad Blog, Crooks and Liars, The Huffington Post, and Calling All Wingnuts. 3) The reason that I focus a lot on Hollywood parties and Jack Chick’s work is that these are things I like and often times I’m the only one—or the first one—to report on these issues. Hey, where else on the blogosphere can you read a firsthand account of the Superman Returns world premiere after-party?
The good news is that things will change with this blog. Ironically, I have really been stepping up my game recently--it's just that the results have not been made manifest on the blog yet. I will update you when the time is right. I’ve been doing a lot of work on projects related to the blog that will be unveiled probably by the first week in September.
So continue to stop by the blog.
Postscript: What’s the deal with Jack Chick? Actually I’m not a real political person (I visited DC ten years ago and couldn’t wait to get out of there) and, ironically, Chick got me into politics. In the early 1990’s when I was a young grad student, I was interested in conspiratorial thinking—I liked Richard Hofstadter’s writings on these issues. Chick was by the most interesting (and amusing) conspiracy theorist I came across.
This led me to study contemporary politics in the 1990’s when I discovered that supposed mainstream political thinkers like Rush Limp—er, I mean Limbaugh, Jerry Falwell, and Roger Ailes were espousing bizarre conspiracy theories about the Clintons that rivaled the paranoia of Chick’s anti-Vatican rants. At the same time, the supposed liberal media were according these hateful nut jobs mainstream credibility. That led me to start this blog.