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Thursday, March 31, 2005
8:53 AM
by Scoobie Davis
What Would Tony Have Done? If I am permitted to spend some time in the room with Terri Schiavo (her father and brother can be there or anyone else as long as there are no distractions), I know that if I were permitted to talk to her and explain to her the things that God has already provided for her, such as salvation and healing, and if I were permitted to pray with her for her, I know that she would be healed. I’ve done this before with people who seemingly were hopeless. Also: Recently I prayed for a man who the doctors said had less than an hour to live. His mouth was filled with a tumor as big as a lemon, and a tumor in his brain was so large that it was pushing one of his eyes out of his head. The man now belongs to God. He’s alive and happy. This incident occurred more than sixty or seventy days ago. There are thousands of testimonies like this. This glorifies God. Of course the Roman Catholic government and media are not looking to exalt God or give God glory. The things that the people in this world are doing today are absolutely insane, and if they are not of the devil, what more could they do to prove they are of the devil? Alamo also has harsh words for Terri's religion, Roman Catholicism: There are many people in the secular government and throughout the world that would be saved and healed if miracles like this were printed and broadcast in the media rather than watching the man in Rome sitting on a balcony, waving his hand or a wand at people. He has his reward. It’s obvious that the Vatican and all religions do not believe God, but I do. Mark 16:17-18 states, “These signs shall follow them that believe; In My name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; THEY SHALL LAY HANDS ON THE SICK, AND THEY SHALL RECOVER.” God gives this power to those who believe all His Word. Christ is the Word of God (Rev. 19:13). “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ [the Word of God], and thou shalt be saved [and healed]” (Acts 16:31). . . We are not to live by our opinions or ideas. Our opinions and ideas, the Word of God indicates, is of Satan. We have the Word of God in this world which tells us the right way to go. What I’ve written here is not my opinion or my idea. It’s the Word of God. The Roman cult, its “new world order,” and its media are soon to be punished eternally for its blatant disregard for God’s Word, God’s people, and all humanity. By the way, Alamo failed to heal his wife Susan--who died of Cancer in 1982. Wednesday, March 30, 2005
1:53 PM
by Scoobie Davis
According to Bill O'Reilly, The American Civil Liberties Union. He said it on his radio show today. UPDATE: No, I don't have the transcript but I suspect that someone from Media Matters will report on this and included the transcript. Welcome to all of those who got here from the Daou Report. If you're new to the site, check out my conversations to talk radio people on the sidebar under "Phone Calls." Email me at and tell me what you think about the blog.
8:47 AM
by Scoobie Davis
The Contradictions of the Right The funding matrix behind Ms. Schiavo’s parents, Robert and Mary Schindler, and their lawyers illustrates the contradictory agenda of conservatism. Much of the money to finance the Schiavo litigation and public relations has been provided by foundations associated with the Philanthropy Roundtable, an innocuous-sounding outfit that serves as a central committee for major conservative donors. Friday, March 25, 2005
6:48 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Exclusive: Transcript of Phony "Nobel nominee" confronted about his Deception Thursday, March 24, 2005
11:56 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Phony "Nobel Prize-nominated" Doctor Confronted
3:44 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Beauty Shop Wednesday, March 23, 2005
10:18 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Hey, Wait a Minute Imagine how the [Schiavo] poll results might have turned out if ABC News had informed participants that in a sworn affidavit, registered nurse Carla Sauer Iyer, who worked at the Palm Garden of Largo Convalescent Center in Largo, Fla., while Terri Schiavo was a patient there, testified: "Throughout my time at Palm Gardens, Michael Schiavo was focused on Terri's death. Michael would say 'When is she going to die?' 'Has she died yet?' and 'When is that b---h gonna die?'" Note how Malkin uses dashes to obscure the word "bitch." The problem is that while Malkin is shielding readers from a vulgarism, she is also shielding them from the fact that the presiding judge declared her affidavit (along with the affidavit from another nurse) were "incredible to say the least" and "noted in a September 17, 2003, order that not even Terri Schiavo's parents sought her testimony in the case." Which is worse: the word "bitch" or possibly slanderous allegations against Micahel Schiavo? Ironically, the title of Malkin's column is "Media distortions run rampant." If anything, if there are significant media distortions regarding the Schiavo case, Fox News (Malkin is a Fox News analyst) is leading the way. Note: I apologize for breaking my promise to keep this blog Schiavo-free.
7:35 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Light Blogging Until the Weekend Tuesday, March 22, 2005
12:43 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Monday, March 21, 2005
9:34 AM
by Scoobie Davis
What Did I Do To Deserve This? Sunday, March 20, 2005
9:12 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Attended a Premiere Last Week
9:09 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Joseph Farah WingNutDaily's Promotes Bo Gritz
8:04 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Sweet Saturday, March 19, 2005
7:33 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Corissa Eaton Update
7:26 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Posting This Weekend Friday, March 18, 2005
7:53 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Googlebomb Ann Coulter Thursday, March 17, 2005
Monday, March 14, 2005
9:16 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Sitemeter Sunday, March 13, 2005
10:16 PM
by Scoobie Davis
We Distort; You Abide
10:07 PM
by Scoobie Davis
9:51 PM
by Scoobie Davis
I've Been To Jersey (But I've Never Been To Me)
5:30 PM
by Scoobie Davis
It's Chick-tastic! (Okay, that was labored)
12:48 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Polarization Saturday, March 12, 2005
4:57 PM
by Scoobie Davis
9:30 AM
by Scoobie Davis
NewsMax Update
8:54 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Film Stuff Friday, March 11, 2005
1:44 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Movie Wednesday, March 09, 2005
2:01 PM
by Scoobie Davis
What Do You Expect From NewsMax?
9:14 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Must Read In short, [Kathleen] Willey was at least as shaky a source as Bill Burkett, the retired Texas Air National Guard officer who leaked the now infamous memos to "60 Minutes" supposedly documenting President Bush’s dereliction of duty in 1972. Even if it took Starr two immunity grants and a failed criminal prosecution to admit (in a final report) that Willey was a bad witness, CBS should have been leery of her from the start. Tuesday, March 08, 2005
4:56 PM
by Scoobie Davis
9:57 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Film Stuff Backlog
9:00 AM
by Scoobie Davis
I'm Back
8:53 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Phony Bloggers The targets of the liberal blogosphere are conservative activists; the target of the conservative blogosphere is the free and independent press itself, just as it has been for conservative activists since the ’60s. For the Republican Party, pseudo-journalism Internet sites and the blogosphere are just another way to get around “the filter,” as Bush has dubbed the mainstream media. “One of the things that I think the blog world offers is an opportunity to provide another source of information,” said Republican National Committee Chairman Ken Mehlman on CNN’s Inside Politics in February. Blogs are “something we encourage supporters of the president and Republicans to be very much involved in.”
6:27 AM
by Scoobie Davis
Los Angeles Mayoral Nonendorsements Tuesday, March 01, 2005
5:13 PM
by Scoobie Davis
Sorry for Not Posting
4:24 PM
by Scoobie Davis
what up?Media Research Center s Bill Sammon f jill rhodes hannity photo you RetroFilm Vault read were. jason mattera we Jill Rhodes Hannity do the RetroFilm Vault do the Bill Sammon rt Bill Sammon you were there Bill Sammon see the Bill Sammon people Bill Sammon there Bill Sammon threr Bill Sammon polk Bill Sammon see Jill hannity drudge hannity wife he was satanic ritual abuse three Robert G. Kaufman two Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto review free satanic scare there hannity wife we Rush Limbaugh sean hannity married two rush limbaugh racist there Sean hannity blog we rush limbaugh vince foster you mark levin weiner nation i rush limbaugh racist he michael savage mark levin she rush limbaugh racism do Rush Limbaugh blog to Ceci Connolly gre sean hannity racism to do Ceci Connolly three Peggy Noonan na there Joseph Farah we are David Horowitz see obama ayers great sean hannity hal turner two Joseph Farah the sean hannity racist way Christopher Ruddy see Christopher Ruddy see Scoobie Davissss Scoobie Davisdo amway global hannity hal turner Scoobie Davis Mark Levin the obama ayersthe Richard Mellon Scaifethe Sun Myung Moonthe wes pruden the Sun Myung Moon the Wes Prudenthe Heritage Foundation the Michael Savage the Rich Lowry the Tammy Bruce the Jonah Goldbergthe Sean Hannity the Fox News the Roger Ailes the Roger Ailes the fox news the Roger Ailes the Laura Ingraham the Ann Coulter the American Spectator you Weekly Standard you National Review you Brit Hume you Jerry Falwell you Bill O'Reilly you Ted Olson you Scoobie Davis you Michelle Malkin you Catholic league you Scoobie Davis you Karl Rove he Scoobie Davis he Oliver North he Jeb Bush he Howard Kurtz he Chris Matthews he Pat Caddell he William Kristol he Matthew Continettihe Wall Street Journal Editorial Page he Neil Boortzhe Glenn Beckhe John Stosselhe Newt Gingrichhe Regnery he Margaret Carlson he Margaret Carlson he Tom Coburn he Kellyanne Conway he James Taranto he Thomas nelson he Marvin Olasky he L Brent Bozell he Michael Barone he Scoobie Daviswhat Scoobie Davis what Charles Krauthammer what Mark Steyn what Chris Wallace what Tony Snow what John Gibson what Karl Rove what Karl Rove what Karl Rove what Karl Rove vwhat Steve King what Karl Rove Steve king Karl Rove what Nikki Cappelliwhat Candice Michellewhat Fox Newswhat Fox Newswhat Fox Newswhat Fox Newswhat Fox News what Fox Newswhat Fox News what Fox News what Fox News what Fox News what Fox Newswhat Fox Newswhat Tammy Brucewhat Scoobie Daviswhat Jerry Falwellwhat John McCain Hageewhat Jerry Falwellwhat Jerry Falwellwhat Jerry Falwellwhat The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11 what The Path to 9/11 what John Hagee what Scoobie Davis v Howard Kurtz v Scoobie Daviswhat john cloud what john cloud what Howard Kurtz f john cloud f Howard Kurtz f Howard Kurtz f Howard Kurtz f William Bennett g Robert Bartley dfd Robert Bartley fd michael kelly df Joseph Curl df Joseph Curl df Joseph Curl dg Scoobie Davis sd gore monticello sdfg party crasher dfs gore monticello sdfg party crashing sdfgs Jerry Falwellred Pat robertson r al gore monticello s reclaiming america for christ sd al gore monticello e Karen Hanretty Karen Hanretty f dexter yager s dexter yager s Fox News channel g Fox News channel g Fox News channelh Fox News channel c Fox News channel d Fox News channel r Fox News channel t Fox News channel f Fox News channel f Fox News channel g Fox News channel g Fox News channel a Fox News channel r Amway w Amway f Amway a Amway i Amway f Quixtar a Quixtard Quixtar f Quixtar a Quixtar a Sean Hannity f Sean Hannity e Hannity d Hannitya aHannity Hannity a Hannity a Hannity cf Hannity re Hannity ad Hannity i Hannity i Hannity y Hannity y John Hagee ministry g Sean Hannity s Sean Hannity s Sean Hannity s Hannity s Hannity s Hannity s Bill Sammon s amway blackwater s bill sammon s Justin Moon s bill sammon s josette sheerhan s bill britt s Larry Winters s josette shiner s chris matthews s christopher matthews a scoobie davis s josette sheeran shiner s scoobie davis s bill britt world wide s doug wead s L. Brent Bozell s L. Brent Bozell t L. Brent Bozell q L. Brent Bozells L. Brent Bozell s L. Brent Bozell r L. Brent Bozell g L. Brent Bozell t Media Research Center w Media Research Center g Media Research Center f Media Research Center f Bill Sammon f amway f quixtar f Media Research Center f party crashing k liberty university k clinton body count m fox news v Amway represents the Erik Prince v Blackwater x fox newsre operation chaos reprint quixtar tre alticor rrw amway blog b anti-amway g Larry winters g bill britt s Erik Prince s Blackwater usa s barack obama muslim s bill sammon s sun myung moon s amway s ceci connolly s spiritual sales s amway kingpins s moonie s Amy Wallace r quixtar q amway diamonds g Justin moon s preston moon v hyun jin moonq Obama pledge of allegiance t Kook jin moon a Jack Kingston y Kahr Arms y amway kingpins m Obama pledge of allegiance v amway blog n quixtar blog v mlm blog b amway blackwater joseph curl v John Solomon t pyramid scheme v limbaugh mccain x barack obama most liberal t Jack Kingston v barack obama most liberal voting record v limbaugh obama v limbaugh falsehoods v universal peace federation v sean hannity liescv Rush Limbaughcc vc sean hannity links v matt drudge liesc vvc If Democrats Had Any Brains coulter moonie times v Washington Times v Jack Kingston v Limbaughc Jack Kingston vc Jack Kingston v Jack Kingston vv rush limbaugh racist vv Washington Times vvv ccc